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The course focuses on separating search planning from search operations as we believe that these are two distinct roles. This also fits neatly into the Lowland Rescue strategy to develop a Search Manager certificating based on search planning and search operations skills & complies with existing Lowland Rescue guidance.

We discuss the features of the three main types of missing person statistics in use today, ISRID (Koester), CSR, Grampian & iFind and cover the pros and cons of all three.


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Course Details

The course presents a logical and systematic process for managing the search - a framework! This involves the use of Reflex tasking (bike wheel model techniques) in Step 1, however, the overriding difference is the emphasis on building scenarios and writing plans to address them in Steps 2 & 3. (If you already know bike wheel then you are in luck!)


We place the emphasis on making decisions based on facts, statistics, behaviours and scenarios where decisions should be logical and justifiable.

Throughout the course students will learn to write and deliver in a logical order, search plans, derived from plausible scenarios created from the information collected from the missing person report, statistics, missing person behaviour traits.


There are no prerequisites to attend this course, however completion of the Lost Person Behaviour course would be advantageous.


The course:

The course follows the current Lowland Rescue Standards, and is delivered by experienced members of several UKSAR organisations.



The syllabus includes:


  • Search planning introduction (why, who, when, differences between planning and operations)

  • Missing person behaviour studies and statistics

  • Step 1 - Collect information and make the initial critical decisions (IPP, missing person type, terrain, map marking, attractors (reflectors) and statistical distances

  • Step 2 - Generate scenarios, what might have happened to the missing person given the information you have or can get

  • Step 3 - Write a search plan and tasks that address each of your scenarios.

  • Steps 4 - 6 Preparing to deliver the plan (resources, briefing/debriefing and the planning cycle)

  • When to end searching, documenting the search & closing the search (paperwork and stat submission)

  • Developing further skills and knowledge



The course is structured using a combination of classroom sessions, outdoor practical activities, search exercises and a short knowledge check. To maximise quality of learning, the course numbers are capped to allow a high instructor/participant ratio.

£170 per course, inclusive of accommodation & meals. Once you have completed the registration process, we will send you all the information you need along with payment details.

Registration will only be possible if a course is available on the courses information page.

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