UKLSI is a licensed operator of the National Navigation Award Scheme and deliver courses at Bronze and Silver levels. In search it is essential that we have good navigators and that we have evidence of variability. Several of the UKLSI training team hold the NNAS gold award. Lowland Rescue accepts the NNAS as an appropriate assessment of navigational ability. The course gives delegates the opportunity to spend the time in the outdoors, typically in groups of 3 or 4, developing their skills. Courses are tailored to individual requirements enabling the very best instruction. All NNAS courses include advice and information about relevant safety and access issues when walking in the countryside.
Course Details
The course:
An understanding of relevant conservation and environmental issues and awareness of our impacts all form part of each course.
Navigate using a variety of Maps and scales.
Use 4 and 6 figure grid references with worded descriptions is to define the position of a map feature and to locate a feature on the ground.
Orientate the map using handrails, obvious point features and major landforms.
Use linear features (e.g. paths, tracks & clear boundaries) as handrails in simple navigation exercises.
Relate prominent landforms such as large hills and valleys to corresponding contour information on the map.
Orientate the map by aligning a compass needle against grid North and be aware that magnetic variation causes an inaccuracy.
Use an orientated map to confirm direction of travel.
Use clearly identifiable features to confirm position along the route and to recognise when the target has been overshot.
Measure horizontal distance on the map and estimate distance on the ground using timing, pacing and simple visual judgements e.g. 100m
Plan and implement simple routes and navigation strategies based on the above skills.
Recognise the navigation area error within a few minutes and apply simple relocation techniques using handrails and prominent features.
Demonstrate an awareness of local and national access issues, access legislation, personal responsibilities and the countryside code.
Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of working equipment, safety equipment and emergency procedures.
SILVER NNAS AWARD - THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: (additional to those of the bronze award)
Utilise the skills and techniques of the bronze award in the context of silver award navigation strategies.
Relate small hills, small valleys, prominent rear entrance and prominent spares to their corresponding map controls.
The course is structured using a combination of classroom sessions outdoor practical activities, search exercises, and a short knowledge check. To maximise quality of learning the course numbers are capped to allow a high instructor/participant ratio.
Use prominent hills, ridges, spurs and valleys as a means of navigation in good visibility.
Use landforms in point features to orientate the map and as collecting and catching features.
Use a compass too accurately follow a bearing, aim off, check the direction of handrails and other linear features.
Deviate briefly from a compass bearing to avoid obstacles or difficult terrain and accurately regain the original line.
Use back bearings to check route following accuracy.
Measure distance on the ground in varied open terrain using timing and pacing and make practical allowances for any discrepancies.
Simplify legs using coarse navigation, attack points and fine navigation.
Recognise dangerous or difficult terrain on map and ground.
Plan and implement navigational strategies based on the above skills.
Maintain route finding accuracy in poor visibility or darkness.
Recognise the navigation error within a few minutes and apply appropriate relocation techniques.
Understand how personal fitness and nature of terrain affect route choice both at the planning stage and on the ground.
Understand the potential consequences of fatigue and physical discomfort and demanding terrain and/or extreme weather.
Select appropriate clothing, equipment and first-aid items for walking in open country in all weather conditions.
Demonstrate an understanding of the countryside code, current access legislation and the environmental impact of walkers on the countryside.
Understand the responsibilities of walkers towards other countryside interests such as farming, forestry and conservation.
£160 per course, inclusive of accommodation & meals. Once you have completed the registration process, we will send you all the information you need along with payment details.
Registration will only be possible if a course is available on the courses information page.